In a world where sustainability has become a priority, businesses that commit to reducing their environmental impact deserve special recognition. It is with great pride that we announce PEBO S.P.A. has once again obtained the EuCertPlast certification, a prestigious accolade that underscores our commitment to sustainable and responsible plastic recycling practices.


What is the EuCertPlast?

EuCertPlast is a European certification program that assesses the quality of plastic recycling processes. This certification ensures that recycling is carried out according to the highest environmental standards, promoting traceability, transparency, and effectiveness of the recycling process.


Our polyethylene (PE) recycling process represents excellence in the field. Through stages of grinding, washing, separation, and conditioning, we guarantee that each piece of plastic treated meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability. This process not only reduces environmental impact but also contributes to the circular economy, turning waste into resources.


The Importance of Sustainability in the Plastic Recycling Sector

Plastic recycling plays a crucial role in reducing global environmental impact. Through sustainable recycling practices, companies like PEBO S.P.A. demonstrate that it is possible to combine productive activities with the circular economy. Our commitment goes beyond mere compliance with regulations: we aim to be pioneers in the search for innovative solutions for a greener future.


Obtaining the EuCertPlast certification again is not only a milestone for PEBO S.P.A. but also serves as an example for the entire plastic recycling sector. This recognition highlights our constant commitment to ecologically sustainable and responsible practices, encouraging others to follow our example.

The EuCertPlast certification strengthens our position in sustainable plastic recycling, demonstrating our commitment to the environment and the circular economy. We are proud of this recognition and will continue to work to further improve our processes and reduce environmental impact.

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